英語のインタビューの会話例 (銀行への転職)




面接官(A): Welcome, and thank you for coming today. Let’s begin by discussing your interest in pursuing a career in the banking industry. Could you share with us what motivated you to choose this field?

学生(B): Thank you for having me. I have always been fascinated by the dynamic nature of the banking sector and its significant impact on the global economy. The stability, opportunities for growth, and the chance to work closely with clients attracted me to this industry. I also believe that the banking sector plays a crucial role in driving economic development and supporting individuals and businesses in achieving their financial goals.

面接官(A): That’s a great perspective. Now, let’s discuss your educational background. Can you tell me about your academic qualifications and any relevant coursework or projects you have completed?

学生(B): Certainly. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Economics from XYZ University, where I gained a solid understanding of economic principles, financial markets, and quantitative analysis. As part of my coursework, I focused on courses such as Financial Management, Macroeconomics, and Investment Analysis. Additionally, I participated in a research project on the impact of monetary policy on the stock market, which allowed me to apply my knowledge and develop critical analytical skills.

学士(大学卒)は、Bachelor’s degree ですね。

修士課程卒は、Master’s degree
博士課程卒は、Doctor’s degree になります。

面接官(A): That’s impressive. In the banking industry, teamwork and collaboration are crucial. Can you provide an example of a group project or team experience where you successfully collaborated with others to achieve a common goal?

学生(B): Certainly. During my studies, I was part of a team project focused on developing an investment portfolio simulation. We were tasked with creating a diversified portfolio strategy that balanced risk and return. Through effective communication, division of tasks, and collaborative decision-making, our team successfully developed a comprehensive investment model that outperformed the market benchmark. This experience taught me the importance of active listening, open-mindedness, and leveraging the strengths of team members to achieve optimal results.

outperform は、ある基準値(ベンチマーク)を上回る結果をあげることです。反対は、under-perform ですね。Under-performer というと、社内で評価が低い人のことです。

面接官(A): That’s impressive teamwork. Now, let’s move on to a topic relevant to the banking industry. Are you familiar with Basel regulations and their impact on the banking sector?

「Let’s move on to ~」は、プレゼンなどで、次のトピックに移る時の決まり文句です。

学生(B): Yes, I am familiar with Basel regulations. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has developed a set of international standards known as the Basel Accords. These accords aim to ensure the stability and soundness of the global banking system by imposing regulatory requirements on banks’ capital adequacy, risk management, and liquidity. The regulations have a significant impact on banks’ operations, risk assessment, and capital planning. It is crucial for banks to comply with these regulations to maintain financial stability and enhance public trust.

面接官(A): That’s a comprehensive understanding of Basel regulations. As a potential employee in the banking sector, how do you think these regulations have influenced the industry’s risk management practices?

学生(B): Basel regulations have significantly impacted risk management practices in the banking industry. Banks are required to establish robust risk management frameworks that effectively identify, assess, and mitigate various risks they face. These include credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and liquidity risk. The regulations have led to the implementation of more sophisticated risk measurement and reporting systems, stress testing methodologies, and enhanced capital adequacy requirements. Banks now place greater emphasis on maintaining adequate capital buffers and ensuring compliance with risk-based capital ratios. Overall, Basel regulations have fostered a culture of risk awareness and prudent risk management in the banking sector. 

面接官(A): Thank you for your insightful responses. Before we conclude, is there anything else you would like to share or any questions you have for us?

学生(B): I would like to express my sincere interest in working for your esteemed institution. I believe that my strong academic background, international exchange experience, and passion for the banking industry make me a suitable candidate for this position. I would like to thank you for this opportunity and for considering my application.


面接官(A): Thank you for your interest and for sharing your qualifications and enthusiasm. We will carefully review your application and get back to you with our decision. It was a pleasure to meet you today, and we appreciate your time and effort in attending this interview. Have a great day!

学生(B): Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you. Have a wonderful day!

Have a great day! Have a wonderful day! Have a nice day!!!


  1. Interview – 面接
  2. Applicant – 応募者
  3. Resume/CV – 履歴書
  4. Cover letter – カバーレター
  5. Qualifications – 資格・能力
  6. Experience – 経験
  7. Skills – 技能・スキル
  8. Strengths – 長所・強み
  9. Weaknesses – 短所・弱点
  10. Job interview – 就職面接
  11. Panel interview – 面接官複数参加の面接
  12. Behavioral interview – 行動面接
  13. Open-ended questions – オープンエンド質問
  14. Closed-ended questions – クローズドエンド質問
  15. Strength-based interview – 強みに基づく面接
  16. Competency-based interview – 能力に基づく面接
  17. References – 推薦状
  18. Dress code – 服装規定
  19. Body language – ボディーランゲージ
  20. Eye contact – アイコンタクト
  21. Handshake – 握手
  22. Communication skills – コミュニケーション能力
  23. Problem-solving skills – 問題解決能力
  24. Teamwork – チームワーク
  25. Time management – 時間管理
  26. Salary negotiation – 給与交渉
  27. Offer letter – 採用通知・オファーレター