A: Hi, I have an important business meeting coming up, and I want to ensure it runs smoothly. Can you provide some tips on how to effectively facilitate a business meeting?

tips は、「ちょっとしたコツ、ヒント」のことです。
B: Certainly. Before the meeting, set a clear agenda outlining the topics to be discussed and allocate time for each agenda item. Start the meeting on time and encourage active participation from all attendees. Ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and share their thoughts.

A: How can I manage any conflicts or disagreements that arise during the meeting?
B: It’s important to address conflicts or disagreements constructively. Encourage open and respectful dialogue, allowing each party to express their perspectives. Seek common ground and facilitate a discussion to find mutually acceptable solutions. If needed, consider involving a mediator or scheduling a separate meeting to address specific conflicts.

A: How can I ensure that the meeting stays focused and productive without going off-topic?「ミーティングをその目的から逸脱せずに生産的に進行させるにはどうすればいいですか?」
B: As the facilitator, it’s your role to keep the meeting on track. Gently guide the discussion back to the agenda if it veers off-topic. Set ground rules for the meeting, such as raising hands to speak and allowing each person sufficient time to express their ideas. Encourage active listening and discourage interruptions to maintain a focused and productive environment.

「such as raising hands (to speak) and allowing each person sufficient time (to express their ideas)」とすると、よくわかるように、raising と allowing が対等の位置づけになっています。
「each person」 のように、each (それぞれの)に続く名詞は、単数形であることも忘れないでね。
A: Thank you for the advice. I will implement these suggestions to ensure a productive and well-managed meeting.
B: You’re welcome. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your upcoming meeting!
- Agenda – 議題
- Chairperson – 議長
- Minutes – 議事録
- Attendees – 出席者
- Opening Remarks – 開会の辞
- Discussion – 議論
- Decision-making – 決定
- Action Items – アクションアイテム
- Follow-up – 後続手続き
- Timekeeping – 時間管理
- Agenda Item Order – 議題順序
- Q&A – 質疑応答
- Clarification – 明確化
- Consensus – 合意
- Dissent – 異議
- Vote – 投票
- Break – 休憩
- Resolutions – 決議事項
- Roll Call – 名簿点呼
- AOB (Any Other Business) – その他の事項
- Delegation – 委任
- Time Allocation – 時間配分
- Meeting Etiquette – 会議のエチケット
- Raise a Point – 議題提起
- Conclusion – 結論
- Adjournment – 閉会
- Follow-up Actions – 後続の行動
- Wrap-up – 総括
