A: Good morning, Ted. Thank you for joining this meeting today. I’d like to talk to you about our new product launch strategy.

「product launch」とは新製品を立ち上げる、売り出すというような意味です。
典型例を一つ。「The rocket was launched today.」(そのロケットは今日打ち上げられました。」
B: Good morning! I’m excited to hear about the new product launch strategy.
A: Great! Let’s start by discussing the target market for our new product. We have conducted thorough market research and identified our key demographic.
B: That sounds like a solid approach. Could you provide some insights into the target audience’s preferences and needs?
A: Certainly. Our research indicates that our target audience values convenience and sustainability. They are looking for a product that is user-friendly and eco-friendly.

sustainable は「持続可能な」と訳されるのが一般的です。
なお、SDGs という言葉を聞いたことがあるかと思いますが、これは、Sustainable Development Goals の略で、「持続可能な開発目標」と訳されています。
B: That’s valuable information. How do we plan to position our product in the market to align with these preferences?
A: We aim to position our product as a cutting-edge solution that combines convenience and sustainability. We will emphasize its user-friendly features and highlight its eco-friendly manufacturing process.

B: Excellent. What are our marketing and communication strategies to reach our target audience effectively?
A: We plan to leverage digital marketing channels and social media platforms to create awareness and engage with our target audience. Additionally, we will collaborate with influencers and industry experts to promote our product through content marketing.
B: That sounds like a comprehensive strategy. I believe it will resonate well with our target audience.

A: Thank you for your input. With this strategy in place, I’m confident that our new product launch will be a success.

「With xxx in place,」は、xxxが一緒にある状態を指しています。「in place」がなくても同じ意味ですが、「in place」と加えることにより、いっそう明確に伝えることになります。
B: I share your confidence. Let’s work together to make it happen!
- Sales strategy – 販売戦略
- Target market – ターゲット市場
- Value proposition – 付加価値提案
- Competitive advantage – 競争優位性
- Market segmentation – 市場セグメンテーション
- Customer profiling – 顧客プロファイリング
- Pricing strategy – 価格戦略
- Sales forecasting – 販売予測
- Customer acquisition – 顧客獲得
- Conversion rate – コンバージョン率
- Upselling – アップセル
- Cross-selling – クロスセル
- Sales pipeline – 販売パイプライン
- Key performance indicators (KPIs) – 主要業績評価指標
- Sales target – 販売目標
- Sales promotion – 販売促進
- Channel strategy – 販売チャネル戦略
- Distribution network – 流通網
- Brand positioning – ブランドの位置づけ
- Customer retention – 顧客維持
- Sales training – 販売トレーニング
- Sales performance – 販売パフォーマンス
- Market share – 市場シェア
- Customer loyalty – 顧客ロイヤルティ
- Sales analytics – 販売分析
- Sales incentive – 販売インセンティブ