Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“All is fair in love and war.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb suggests that in situations involving love or conflict, people are often willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. It implies that in matters of the heart or in times of conflict, traditional rules or moral standards may be set aside in pursuit of victory or happiness. It reflects the idea that extreme circumstances can justify actions that might otherwise be considered unfair or unethical.
Example 1(例示1)
During a fierce competition, the athletes were willing to do anything to win. All is fair in love and war.
Example 2(例示2)
In the pursuit of love, people may go to great lengths to win someone’s affection. All is fair in love and war.
Example 3(例示3)
During negotiations, both sides employed various tactics to gain the upper hand. All is fair in love and war.
- Conflict
- 発音記号: /ˈkɒnflɪkt/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 紛争、対立
- 例文: The two countries were engaged in a long-standing conflict.
- 「両国は長期にわたる紛争に巻き込まれていました。」
- Traditional
- 発音記号: /trəˈdɪʃənl/
- 品詞: adjective
- 意味: 伝統的な、従来の
- 例文: They celebrated the holiday in the traditional manner.
- 「彼らは伝統的な方法でその休日を祝いました。」
- Moral
- 発音記号: /ˈmɒrəl/
- 品詞: adjective
- 意味: 道徳的な
- 例文: His actions were guided by a strong moral sense.
- 「彼の行動は強い道徳感によって導かれていました。」
- Extreme
- 発音記号: /ɪkˈstriːm/
- 品詞: adjective
- 意味: 極端な
- 例文: The weather conditions were extreme, with temperatures well below freezing.
- 「天候条件は極端で、気温は氷点下を大きく下回っていました。」
- Justify
- 発音記号: /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/
- 品詞: verb
- 意味: 正当化する
- 例文: She tried to justify her actions, but no one believed her.
- 「彼女は自分の行動を正当化しようとしましたが、誰も信じませんでした。」
Short Story
Two friends, Alex and Jamie, were both competing for the attention of their crush, Taylor. They both decided to write a love letter to express their feelings. Alex, wanting to stand out, wrote a heartfelt letter and sent it with a bouquet of flowers. Jamie, on the other hand, wrote a playful letter and included a box of chocolates. When Taylor received both letters, they couldn’t decide which one to choose. In the end, Taylor decided to go out with both Alex and Jamie, jokingly saying, “I guess all is fair in love and war!”