『たで食う虫も好きずき』を英語で言うと? – “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”





Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”


Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)

This proverb suggests that the perception of beauty is subjective and can vary from person to person. What one person finds beautiful or attractive, another may not. It emphasizes the idea that beauty is a personal and individual experience, influenced by one’s own preferences, experiences, and cultural background.


Example 1(例示1)

Some people prefer modern art, while others find beauty in classical paintings. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Example 2(例示2)

One person may see a rugged mountain landscape as beautiful, while another may prefer the serenity of a beach. Beauty is subjective.


Example 3(例示3)

In matters of love, what one person finds attractive in a partner may differ from another’s preferences. Beauty truly lies in the eye of the beholder.


Short Story

Sarah and Tom were exploring an art gallery together. Sarah was drawn to abstract paintings, finding them intriguing and beautiful. Tom, on the other hand, preferred realistic landscapes, finding beauty in the detailed brushstrokes and vibrant colors. As they discussed their preferences, Sarah said, “Well, I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder!” Tom smiled, realizing that their different tastes only added to their enjoyment of the art.

