



Amy: Good afternoon, team. Today, we’ll be reviewing the results of our recent advertising campaign. Let’s start by discussing the overall performance. Any key insights or notable achievements to share?

Ben: Good afternoon, Amy. Our campaign performed exceptionally well, exceeding our expectations. We saw a significant increase in brand awareness, with a 20% growth in social media followers and a 15% rise in website traffic during the campaign period.


Amy: That’s fantastic, Ben. It’s great to see such positive engagement and growth. Now, let’s dive deeper into the campaign’s impact on sales. Are there any specific metrics or conversion rates we should discuss?

「That’s fantastic.」のほかにも、excellent, brilliant, cool など、いろいろあります。

Charles: Good afternoon, everyone. Regarding sales, we experienced a 12% increase in online purchases directly attributed to the campaign. Additionally, our overall revenue saw a 8% growth during the campaign period, with a noticeable spike in sales from the target demographic.

「campaign」の語源は、イタリア語 campagna(軍事作戦)➡ campus(広々とした平地)です。

Amy: Thank you, Charles, for sharing those impressive numbers. It’s evident that our advertising efforts have made a significant impact on both brand perception and sales. Now, let’s discuss ways to capitalize on this success and leverage it for future campaigns.

「evident」の語源は、「外に (ex-) + 見える + (video) + している (-ens)」。


Denis: I have an idea. Building on this success, we can explore collaborations with influencers and strategic partnerships to amplify our reach and target specific customer segments more effectively.


  1. Advertising campaign (広告キャンペーン)
  2. Conversion rate (コンバージョン率)
  3. Click-through rate (CTR) (クリック率)
  4. Impressions (インプレッション)
  5. Reach (到達数)
  6. Engagement (エンゲージメント)
  7. Cost per acquisition (CPA) (獲得単価)
  8. Return on investment (ROI) (投資対効果)
  9. Key performance indicators (KPIs) (主要業績評価指標)
  10. A/B testing (A/Bテスト)
  11. Call-to-action (CTA) (アクションを促す呼びかけ)
  12. Engagement rate (エンゲージメント率)
  13. Average order value (AOV) (平均注文金額)
  14. Customer acquisition cost (CAC) (顧客獲得費用)
  15. Unique visitors (ユニーク訪問者)
  16. Click-through conversion rate (CTCR) (クリック後のコンバージョン率)
  17. Cost per click (CPC) (クリック単価)
  18. Customer lifetime value (CLTV) (顧客生涯価値)
  19. Return on advertising spend (ROAS) (広告費用対効果)
  20. Bounce rate (直帰率)
  21. Conversion tracking (コンバージョントラッキング)
  22. Conversion volume (コンバージョン数)
  23. Ad viewability (広告表示可視性)