Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“Time heals all wounds.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb suggests that with time, emotional or physical wounds will eventually heal. It reflects the idea that time can bring perspective, acceptance, and eventually, healing.
Example 1
After a difficult breakup, Emma felt heartbroken and lost. However, as time passed, she slowly began to heal and move on with her life. Time heals all wounds.
Example 2
Following a serious injury, John was unable to walk for months. With time and rehabilitation, he regained his strength and mobility. Time heals all wounds.
Example 3
After the loss of her pet, Sarah was devastated. Over time, she found comfort in the memories they shared and was able to smile again. Time heals all wounds.
Short Story
Jack had been deeply hurt by a betrayal from a close friend. At first, he couldn’t imagine ever feeling better. However, as the months passed, he found himself thinking less about the betrayal and more about moving forward. Eventually, he realized that time had indeed healed his wounds.
意味: 荒廃した、壊滅した
品詞: 形容詞
発音記号: /ˈdevəˌsteɪtɪd/
例文: The town was devastated by the hurricane.
和訳: その町はハリケーンで壊滅的な被害を受けた。
意味: リハビリテーション、回復訓練
品詞: 名詞
発音記号: /ˌriːəˌbɪlɪˈteɪʃən/
例文: After surgery, she underwent rehabilitation to regain strength in her leg.
和訳: 手術後、彼女は足の力を取り戻すためにリハビリテーションを受けました。
意味: 裏切り
品詞: 名詞
発音記号: /bɪˈtreɪəl/
例文: His betrayal left her feeling betrayed and hurt.
和訳: 彼の裏切りにより、彼女は裏切られ、傷ついたと感じました。