- pricing – 価格設定
- handle – 対処する
- price negotiations – 価格交渉
- clear understanding – 明確な理解
- justify – 正当化する
- market rates – 市場価格
- pushing for – 要求する
- respond – 対応する
- firm – 堅持する、固く決める
- flexible – 柔軟な
- concerns – 懸念点
- middle ground – 妥協点
- benefits – 利益
- additional value – 付加価値
- adjusting – 調整する
- offering – 提供する
- incentives – インセンティブ
- devalue – 価値を下げる
- unique benefits – 独自の利点
- return on investment – 投資対効果
- cautious – 注意深い
- table – 交渉の場
- emphasize – 強調する
- long-term advantages – 長期的なメリット
- professionalism – プロの対応
- open communication – オープンなコミュニケーション
- negotiation process – 交渉の過程
A: Good morning. I wanted to discuss the pricing for our services with the client. Do you have any advice on how to handle price negotiations?

「any advice on xx」というように、前置詞は「on」で、「xxに関する、xxについての」みたいな意味を表します。
B: Sure. First, make sure you have a clear understanding of your costs and the value you provide. This will help you justify your pricing during the negotiation.
A: I’ve done my research on the market rates, but the client seems to be pushing for a lower price. How should I respond?

「my research on」の「on」も、先ほどと同じです。
B: It’s important to stay firm but also flexible. Ask the client about their concerns and try to find a middle ground that benefits both parties. Consider offering additional value or adjusting the scope of the services if necessary.

交渉においては、中長期的みて「to find a middle ground that benefits both parties」が重要ですね。「to create a Win-Win relationship」 ともいえます。
A: Should I consider offering discounts or incentives to encourage the client to agree to our pricing?

B: Discounts or incentives can be an option, but be cautious not to devalue your services. Instead, focus on highlighting the unique benefits and value that your company brings to the table. Emphasize the long-term advantages and return on investment for the client.
A: I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for your guidance. I feel more confident about entering the price negotiation now.

「keep xxx in mind」は、「xxxを頭に入れておく、覚えておく」のような意味です。
B: You’re welcome. Remember to maintain professionalism and open communication throughout the negotiation process. Good luck!
- Pricing strategy – 価格戦略
- Cost analysis – コスト分析
- Competitive pricing – 競争価格設定
- Price point – 価格帯
- Markup – マークアップ(原価に上乗せする利益分)
- Discount – 割引
- Negotiation – 交渉
- Concessions – 譲歩
- Price elasticity – 価格弾力性
- Profit margin – 利益率
- Volume discount – 数量割引
- Price sensitivity – 価格感応度
- Price differentiation – 価格差別化
- List price – 定価
- Wholesale price – 卸売価格
- Retail price – 小売価格
- Cost-plus pricing – コストプラス価格設定
- Price optimization – 価格最適化
- Price war – 価格競争
- Price skimming – 最初は高めの価格設定をする価格戦略
- Bundling – 商品のまとめ販売
- Break-even point – 損益分岐点
- Target price – 目標価格
- Price benchmarking – 価格ベンチマーキング
- Price negotiation tactics – 価格交渉の戦術
- Cost reduction – コスト削減
- Price quoting – 価格提示
- Price analysis – 価格分析
- Contract pricing – 契約価格設定