“Practice what you preach.” はどんな意味?



Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)

“Practice what you preach.”


Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)

This proverb emphasizes the importance of leading by example. It suggests that actions speak louder than words and that it is hypocritical to advocate for something but not follow it oneself.



Example 1

The teacher always told his students to be punctual, but he himself was often late. His students reminded him to practice what he preached.


Example 2

A manager advised her team to maintain a healthy work-life balance, yet she regularly worked late and on weekends. Her team encouraged her to practice what she preached.


Example 3

A politician campaigned on a platform of honesty and integrity, but was later caught in a corruption scandal. Voters criticized him for not practicing what he preached.


Short Story

Emily often lectured her friends about the importance of recycling and reducing waste. However, they noticed that she never practiced what she preached. One day, they decided to play a prank on her by filling her room with recyclable items. When Emily saw the mess, she realized the irony of her actions and started practicing what she preached.




意味: 偽善的な

品詞: 形容詞

発音記号: /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl/

例文: It’s hypocritical to criticize others for behavior you engage in yourself.
和訳: 自分自身が行っている行動を他人が批判するのは偽善的です。


意味: 提唱する、主張する

品詞: 動詞

発音記号: /ˈædvəˌkeɪt/

例文: The organization advocates for equal rights for all citizens.
和訳: その団体は全市民に平等な権利を提唱しています。


意味: 政策(宣言)、基本方針 、演説の場、(駅などの)プラットフォーム

品詞: 名詞

発音記号: /ˈplætfɔːrm/

例文: The candidate’s platform included plans for education reform.
和訳: その候補者の政策(宣言)には教育改革の計画が含まれていました。
