『うわさをすれば影』を英語で言うと? – “Speak of the devil.”




Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)

“Speak of the devil.”


Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)

This proverb suggests that when you mention someone, especially in a negative context, they often appear unexpectedly. It is often used humorously when someone appears just after being mentioned.


Example 1

Alice was talking about how she hadn’t seen Tom in years when, all of a sudden, he walked into the room. “Speak of the devil,” she exclaimed.


Example 2

John was discussing his colleague’s tendency to be late when she walked in, apologizing for being behind schedule. “Speak of the devil,” John chuckled.


Example 3

As Sarah mentioned how she hadn’t seen her old friend in years, the phone rang, and it was her friend calling out of the blue. “Speak of the devil!” Sarah exclaimed in surprise.


Short Story

Mark was sharing a funny story about his clumsy neighbor, who always seemed to trip over his own feet. Just as he was in the middle of the story, there was a knock on the door. It was his neighbor, asking for some sugar. Mark couldn’t help but laugh and say, “Speak of the devil!”




意味: 不器用な、どじな

品詞: 形容詞

発音記号: /ˈklʌmzi/

例文: He was always tripping over his own feet; he was quite clumsy.
和訳: 彼はいつも自分の足を踏み外していて、かなり不器用だった。


意味: 叫ぶ、大声で言う

品詞: 動詞

発音記号: /ɪkˈskleɪm/

例文: She exclaimed with delight when she saw the surprise party.
和訳: 彼女はサプライズパーティーを見て喜んで叫びました。

Behind schedule

意味: 予定より遅れて

発音記号: /bɪˈhaɪnd ˈʃɛdʒuːl/

例文: The train is behind schedule due to track maintenance.
和訳: 列車は線路のメンテナンスのため予定より遅れています。
