Amy: Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining this presentation on SWOT analysis. Today, we’ll discuss how this framework can help us assess our current position and identify strategic opportunities. Let’s begin.
Ben: Good morning, Amy. I’m looking forward to learning more about SWOT analysis and its application.
Amy: Great. So, SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s a framework that enables us to evaluate both internal and external factors affecting our business.
Charles: I’ve heard about SWOT analysis before, but I’m not exactly sure how it works. Could you explain it further?
「わかりません」は、「I don’t know ~」ではなく、「I’m not (exactly) sure」の方が自然かつ穏やかです。
Amy: Of course. Let’s start with Strengths and Weaknesses. Strengths are the internal factors that give us a competitive advantage, such as our unique capabilities, expertise, or strong brand reputation. Weaknesses, on the other hand, are areas where we may have limitations or areas for improvement.
Ben: So, Strengths and Weaknesses focus on our internal factors. What about Opportunities and Threats?
Amy: Opportunities and Threats are the external factors that impact our business. Opportunities are potential areas for growth or favorable market conditions that we can capitalize on. Threats, on the other hand, are external factors that could hinder our success, such as new competitors or changing market trends.
このAmyの発言では、関係代名詞 that が3回も使われていますね。いずれも which に置き換えられます。また、1つ目と3つ目は主格として同じような使われ方です。
Charles: I see. So, by analyzing our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, we can gain a better understanding of our current situation and make informed decisions.
Amy: That’s correct. The goal of SWOT analysis is to identify strategies that leverage our strengths, address our weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate threats. It helps us align our resources and make strategic choices that drive our business forward.
Ben: This sounds like a valuable tool for strategic planning. How do we conduct a SWOT analysis in practice?
Amy: Good question. It involves gathering data, conducting research, and engaging in discussions with key stakeholders. We’ll delve deeper into the process and provide guidelines for conducting a SWOT analysis in our upcoming workshops.
質問者に「(That’s a) Good question.」というのも定型表現です。もっとも、このように返信されたからといって、必ずしも本当にいい質問とは限りません。礼儀的にいうときもあれば、答えを準備する時間かせぎとしていうときもあります。
Denis: I’m looking forward to the workshops. It’s important for us to have a clear understanding of our internal and external factors to make informed decisions.
Amy: Absolutely. Thank you all for your active participation. Let’s continue exploring the benefits and practical applications of SWOT analysis in our upcoming sessions.
- Market research – マーケットリサーチ
- Target market – ターゲット市場
- Demographics – 人口統計学的データ
- Psychographics – 心理学的データ
- Consumer behavior – 消費者行動
- Market segmentation – 市場セグメンテーション
- Survey – アンケート調査
- Focus group – フォーカスグループ
- Sampling – サンプリング
- Data analysis – データ分析
- Competitive analysis – 競合分析
- Market trends – 市場のトレンド
- Market share – 市場シェア
- Brand perception – ブランドの認知度
- Customer satisfaction – 顧客満足度
- Product positioning – 製品の位置づけ
- Market opportunity – 市場の機会
- Market research report – マーケットリサーチレポート
- Primary research – 一次調査
- Secondary research – 二次調査
- Data collection – データ収集
- Qualitative research – 質的リサーチ
- Quantitative research – 量的リサーチ
- Survey questionnaire – アンケート質問票
- Sampling error – サンプリング誤差
- Market analysis – 市場分析
- Market demand – 市場需要
- Research methodology – 調査方法論