お金は大切…。しかし、”The best things in life are free.”



“The best things in life are free.”

Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)

“The best things in life are free.”


Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)

This proverb highlights the idea that the most valuable and fulfilling aspects of life are not material possessions but rather intangible experiences, relationships, and moments. It encourages individuals to appreciate the priceless gifts life offers, such as love, friendship, and the beauty of nature, which cannot be bought with money.


Example 1(例示1)

Spending quality time with loved ones and creating cherished memories are among the best things in life. The laughter, joy, and connection are priceless. The best things in life are free. “


Example 2(例示2)

Witnessing a breathtaking sunset, feeling a gentle breeze on your face, or listening to the sound of waves crashing on the shore are simple yet profound pleasures that nature freely provides. The best things in life are free.


Example 3(例示3)

Acts of kindness, a sincere smile, or a warm hug are gestures that hold immeasurable value in building connections with others. The genuine human experiences shared with compassion and empathy are truly the best things in life. The best things in life are free.



  1. Intangible
    • 発音記号: /ɪnˈtændʒəbl/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 触れられない、無形の
    • 例文: Happiness is often an intangible feeling that cannot be measured in material possessions.
      • 「幸福はしばしば物質的な所有物では計測できない無形の感情です。」
  2. Cherished
    • 発音記号: /ˈtʃɛrɪʃt/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 大切にされた、愛された
    • 例文: Cherished memories become the treasures of the heart.
      • 「大切な思い出は心の宝物になります。」
  3. Breathtaking
    • 発音記号: /ˈbrɛθˌteɪkɪŋ/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 息をのむような、圧倒的な
    • 例文: The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking.
      • 「山の頂からの景色は息をのむほど美しかった。」
  4. Immeasurable
    • 発音記号: /ɪˈmɛʒərəbl/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 計り知れない、測り知れない
    • 例文: The impact of a small act of kindness can be immeasurable.
      • 「小さな親切な行為の影響は計り知れないことがあります。」
  5. Compassion
    • 発音記号: /kəmˈpæʃən/
    • 品詞: noun
    • 意味: 思いやり、同情
    • 例文: Compassion is essential for creating a more empathetic and understanding society.
      • 「思いやりはより感謝と理解のある社会を作る上で欠かせないものです。」