
Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“There’s no smoke without fire.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb suggests that rumors or suspicions often have some basis in truth. Just as smoke is typically produced by fire, metaphorically, situations or accusations usually have some element of truth behind them. It warns against dismissing rumors or signs completely, as they may indicate a real underlying issue.
Example 1(例示1)
When multiple sources reported on the company’s financial troubles, it became clear that there was no smoke without fire, and investors started to withdraw their support.
Example 2(例示2)
After several complaints about his behavior, it was evident that there was no smoke without fire, and the employee was reprimanded.
Example 3(例示3)
When the police received multiple reports of a suspicious individual in the area, they knew there was no smoke without fire and immediately launched an investigation.
- Rumors
- 発音記号: /ˈruːmərz/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 噂、風説
- 例文: The rumors about their relationship spread quickly.
- 「彼らの関係についての噂がすぐに広まった。」
- Accusations
- 発音記号: /ˌækjʊˈzeɪʃənz/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 非難、告発
- 例文: He denied the accusations of cheating.
- 「彼は不正の告発を否定した。」
- Basis
- 発音記号: /ˈbeɪsɪs/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 基礎、根拠
- 例文: There is no basis for his claims.
- 「彼の主張には根拠がありません。」
- Reprimand(ed)
- 発音記号: /ˈrɛprɪˌmænd(ɪd)/
- 品詞: verb
- 意味: 叱責する、戒める
- 例文: She was reprimanded for arriving late to work.
- 「彼女は仕事に遅れたことで叱責されました。」
- Withdraw
- 発音記号: /wɪðˈdrɔː/
- 品詞: verb
- 意味: 撤回する、引き出す
- 例文: He withdrew his support for the project.
- 「彼はそのプロジェクトへの支援を取り下げました。」