Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb suggests that the need or necessity to solve a problem or fulfill a requirement is often the driving force behind innovation and creativity. When faced with challenges or difficulties, individuals are motivated to devise new solutions or invent new technologies to address those needs. It highlights the role of necessity as a catalyst for human ingenuity and progress, showcasing how adversity can lead to innovation.
Example 1(例示1)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity of remote work led to the rapid development of communication technologies and collaboration tools. Companies and individuals adapted to the new work environment by innovating solutions such as video conferencing software and virtual collaboration platforms.
Example 2(例示2)
The scarcity of clean drinking water in certain regions prompted engineers to invent water purification systems and desalination technologies. The necessity of access to safe drinking water drove innovation in sustainable solutions for water treatment and conservation.
Example 3(例示3)
The necessity for efficient transportation solutions in urban areas led to the development of ridesharing platforms and electric mobility options. As cities grapple with congestion and pollution, innovators respond with environmentally friendly and convenient alternatives to traditional transportation.
- Ingenuity
- 発音記号: /ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːɪti/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 独創性、創意工夫
- 例文: Human ingenuity has led to remarkable advancements in technology and science.
- 「人間の独創性は、技術と科学の顕著な進歩をもたらしています。」
- Adversity
- 発音記号: /ədˈvɜːrsəti/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 逆境、苦難
- 例文: Overcoming adversity often leads to personal growth and resilience.
- 「逆境を乗り越えることは、個人の成長と回復力につながることがよくあります。」
- Scarcity
- 発音記号: /ˈsker.sə.t̬i/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 不足、欠乏
- 例文: The scarcity of resources in the region led to increased competition among residents.
- 「その地域の資源の不足は、住民の間で競争が激化する原因となりました。」
- Purification
- 発音記号: /pjʊrɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 浄化、精製
- 例文: The purification process removes impurities from the water, making it safe for consumption.
- 「浄化プロセスは水から不純物を除去し、飲用に安全な状態にします。」
- Sustainable
- 発音記号: /səˈsteɪnəbl/
- 品詞: adjective
- 意味: 持続可能な
- 例文: The company implemented sustainable practices to reduce its environmental impact.
- 「その会社は環境への影響を減らすために持続可能な取り組みを実施しました。」