“Out of the frying pan and into the fire.” とは、どんな意味? 英語の格言で学ぶ






Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)

“Out of the frying pan and into the fire.”


Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)

This proverb illustrates a situation where escaping from one difficult or challenging circumstance leads directly into another equally or more perilous one. It conveys the idea that attempting to find a solution to a problem may inadvertently result in a worse situation. The metaphorical imagery suggests that the transition from a frying pan (representing a difficult situation) to the fire (representing an even more challenging situation) is not an improvement but a continuation of hardship.


Example 1(例示1)

Leaving a demanding job for what seemed like a better opportunity turned out to be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire. The new position had more responsibilities and longer working hours than the previous one.


Example 2(例示2)

Moving to a new city to escape personal problems proved to be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire. The individual faced unfamiliar challenges, loneliness, and additional stress in the new environment.


Example 3(例示3)

Investing money to escape financial difficulties by entering a speculative market without proper knowledge can be like going out of the frying pan and into the fire. The risks associated with speculative investments may lead to even greater financial losses.



  1. Perilous
    • 発音記号: /ˈperɪləs/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 危険な、危うい
    • 例文: The journey through the mountain range was perilous due to unpredictable weather conditions.
      • 「山脈を抜ける旅は、予測できない気象条件のため危険でした。」
  2. Inadvertently
    • 発音記号: /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtəntli/
    • 品詞: adverb
    • 意味: 不注意に、うっかり
    • 例文: He inadvertently deleted the important files while organizing his computer.
      • 「彼はコンピュータを整理している最中、うっかり重要なファイルを削除してしまった。」
  3. Transition
    • 発音記号: /trænˈzɪʃən/
    • 品詞: noun
    • 意味: 移行、過渡期
    • 例文: The company is undergoing a transition to a more sustainable business model.
      • 「その企業はより持続可能なビジネスモデルへの移行を進めています。」
  4. Unfamiliar
    • 発音記号: /ʌnˈfəmɪliər/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 馴染みのない、不慣れな
    • 例文: Being in an unfamiliar environment can be challenging but also enriching.
      • 「馴染みのない環境にいることは挑戦的ですが、同時に豊かな経験にもなります。」
  5. Speculative
    • 発音記号: /ˈspekjʊlətɪv/
    • 品詞: adjective
    • 意味: 投機的な、仮説的な
    • 例文: Investing in speculative stocks involves a higher level of risk.
      • 「投機的な株に投資することは、より高いリスクを伴います。」