親しみは軽蔑を生む – “Familiarity breeds contempt.” – 英語の格言から学ぶ




Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)

“Familiarity breeds contempt.”


Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)

This proverb suggests that the more familiar or intimate people become with someone or something, the more likely they are to notice flaws or shortcomings and develop a sense of disdain or disrespect. It warns against becoming too comfortable or complacent in relationships or situations.


Example 1(例示1)

After working closely with her boss for years, she began to resent his micromanaging tendencies. It was a classic case of “familiarity breeds contempt.”


Example 2(例示2)

The siblings grew up together and were once very close, but as they got older, familiarity bred contempt, and they often argued over trivial matters.


Example 3(例示3)

The company’s success led to complacency among its employees, and familiarity soon bred contempt, resulting in a decline in productivity.


Short Story

Sarah had always admired her favorite author from afar, dreaming of the day she would finally meet him. When she was invited to a book signing event where he would be present, she was overjoyed. However, as she stood in line waiting for her turn, she couldn’t help but notice how grumpy and uninterested he seemed. When it was finally her turn to meet him, she found him to be dismissive and rude. Sarah was heartbroken. She realized that familiarity had bred contempt, and she would never view her favorite author in the same light again.

