Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb suggests that it is safer or wiser to deal with a familiar problem or situation, even if it’s undesirable, rather than facing an unknown or potentially worse situation. It highlights the human tendency to prefer the familiar, even if it has its flaws, over the uncertainties of the unknown.
Example 1
Sam was unhappy with his job, but he decided not to quit because “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”
Example 2
Despite its flaws, Sarah decided to stay in her current apartment because she thought, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”
Example 3
John was considering switching to a new phone carrier, but he hesitated because he thought, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”
Short Story
Once there was a small town plagued by a mischievous spirit that would cause minor inconveniences for the residents. Despite their frustrations, the townsfolk tolerated the spirit’s antics, believing that “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”
発音記号: /pleɪɡd/
品詞: verb
意味: 悩ます、悩ませる
例文: The region was plagued by drought for several years, causing widespread hardship.
発音記号: /ˈæntɪks/
品詞: noun
意味: おちゃめな行動、奇行
例文: The children’s antics at the party amused the adults.
発音記号: /ˈtɒləreɪt/
品詞: verb
意味: 我慢する、許容する
例文: Despite their differences, they learned to tolerate each other’s quirks.