Look before you leap.


Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“Look before you leap.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb advises caution and careful consideration before taking any significant action. It emphasizes the importance of assessing the potential risks and consequences of a decision before acting impulsively. By suggesting to “look” first, the saying encourages individuals to gather information and evaluate the situation thoroughly to make informed and thoughtful choices.
Example 1(例示1)
Before accepting the job offer, Maria took the time to research the company’s culture and values. Look before you leap, she thought, ensuring that the work environment aligned with her professional goals and personal values.
Example 2(例示2)
John hesitated to invest in a new business without thoroughly analyzing the market trends. He reminded himself to look before you leap, understanding that a well-informed decision could significantly impact his investment success.
Example 3(例示3)
Before making a major life decision, Sarah sought advice from friends and family. She believed in the wisdom of looking before you leap, recognizing that their perspectives could provide valuable insights and guidance.
- Impulsively
- 発音記号: /ɪmˈpʌlsɪvli/
- 品詞: adverb
- 意味: 衝動的に
- 例文: Acting impulsively can lead to decisions that are not well thought out.
- 「衝動的に行動することは、慎重に考えられていない決定につながる可能性があります。」
- Align
- 発音記号: /əˈlaɪn/
- 品詞: verb
- 意味: 一致させる、整える
- 例文: It’s important to align your actions with your values to maintain personal integrity.
- 「個人の誠実性を保つためには、行動を自分の価値観に一致させることが重要です。」
- Thoroughly
- 発音記号: /ˈθʌrəli/
- 品詞: adverb
- 意味: 徹底的に
- 例文: Before making a decision, it’s crucial to thoroughly examine all available information.
- 「決定を下す前には、すべての利用可能な情報を徹底的に調査することが重要です。」
- Hesitate
- 発音記号: /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/
- 品詞: verb
- 意味: ためらう
- 例文: She hesitated before making the final choice, considering the potential consequences.
- 「彼女は最終的な選択をする前に、潜在的な結果を考慮してためらいました。」
- Wisdom
- 発音記号: /ˈwɪzdəm/
- 品詞: noun
- 意味: 知恵、賢明さ
- 例文: Seeking the wisdom of experienced individuals can provide valuable insights for decision-making.
- 「経験豊富な人々の知恵を求めることは、意思決定に対する貴重な洞察を提供することができます。」