Today’s Proverb (今日のことわざ)
“What goes around comes around.”
Origin or Interpretation(起源ないし解釈)
This proverb suggests that the consequences of one’s actions, whether good or bad, will eventually return to them. It reflects the idea of karma, where one’s actions determine their future experiences.
Example 1
Sarah always helps her colleagues, and now they are all eager to support her. What goes around comes around.
Example 2
Tommy was known for his dishonesty, and now nobody trusts him. It seems that what goes around comes around.
Example 3
The company’s unethical practices eventually led to its downfall. It’s a clear case of what goes around comes around.
Short Story
Jack was a successful businessman who believed in treating everyone fairly. He helped others whenever he could, knowing that kindness would come back to him. One day, his business faced a crisis, and many people came forward to support him. Jack realized that what goes around comes around, and his kindness had created a network of support around him.
発音記号: /dɪˈsɒnəsti/
品詞: noun
意味: 不正直
例文: Dishonesty in business can lead to legal consequences.
和訳: ビジネスでの不正直は法的な結果につながる可能性があります。
発音記号: /ˈeθɪkəl/
品詞: adjective
意味: 倫理的な
例文: The company’s ethical standards are high, ensuring fair treatment of employees.
和訳: その企業の倫理基準は高く、従業員への公平な取り扱いを確保しています。
発音記号: /ˈnetwɜːrk/
品詞: noun
意味: ネットワーク、網
例文: Building a strong professional network is essential for career growth.
和訳: 強力な職業ネットワークを築くことは、キャリアの成長に不可欠です。