
- 収益は前四半期と比べて10%増加しました。
- Revenue increased by 10% compared to last quarter.
- Revenue rose by 10% compared to the previous quarter.
- 経費はコスト削減策の結果、減少しました。
- Expenses decreased due to cost-saving measures.
- Costs reduced as a result of cost-saving initiatives.
- 会社の資産は今年、大幅に成長しました。
- The company’s assets grew significantly this year.
- There was substantial growth in the company’s assets this year.
- 負債は借金の返済によって減少しました。
- Liabilities were reduced through debt repayment.
- We decreased our liabilities by repaying debts.
- 自己資本は剰余金の変動による影響を受けます。
- Equity is impacted by changes in retained earnings.
- Retained earnings fluctuations affect equity.
- 減価償却費用は資産の取得に伴い増加しました。
- Depreciation expense was higher due to asset acquisitions.
- We incurred higher depreciation expenses because of asset purchases.
- 営業キャッシュフローは前年比で改善しました。
- Cash flow from operations improved year-over-year.
- Year-on-year, operational cash flow showed improvement.
- 販売が増加したため、在庫レベルが減少しました。
- Inventory levels decreased as sales increased.
- Inventory decreased as sales rose.
- 予期せぬ償却が原因で、会社は損失を計上しました。
- The company incurred a loss due to unexpected write-offs.
- Unexpected write-offs led to a company loss.
- 貸借対照表は会社の財政状態を反映しています。
- The balance sheet reflects the financial position of the company.
- The balance sheet mirrors the company’s financial position.
- 利益率は一貫して高い水準を維持しています。
- Profit margins have been consistently high.
- Profit margins have consistently remained high.
- この5年間の損益の推移は、私たちの会社がいかに急成長をとげてきたかを端的に示しています。
- The profit and loss trend over the past 5 years succinctly illustrates the remarkable growth our company has achieved.
- The evolution of our company’s profit and loss over the last 5 years serves as a clear indicator of the rapid expansion we’ve experienced.
- 資産売却からの一時的な利益を計上しました。
- We recorded a one-time gain from the sale of assets.
- We earned a profit from asset sales.
- 会社の負債対自己資本比率は許容可能な範囲内です。
- The company’s debt-to-equity ratio is within acceptable limits.
- The company’s debt-to-equity ratio falls within acceptable bounds.
- 利益剰余金は再投資のために保持された利益を表します。
- Retained earnings represent profits kept for reinvestment.
- Retained earnings signify profits retained for reinvestment.
- 外部監査人は、仕入先との残高確認手続きにより、私どもの残高に誤りがあることを発見しました。
- The external auditor identified some errors in our balance through confirmation procedure with our vendors.
- The external auditor detected discrepancies during the balance confirmation process with our suppliers.
- 会社では、現在、内部監査が行われています。
- The company is undergoing an internal audit process.
- The company is in the midst of an internal audit procedure.
- 今年は納税義務の増加を予測しています。
- We anticipate an increase in tax liabilities this year.
- We expect tax liabilities to rise this year.
- 営業利益は投資家にとって重要な指標です。
- Operating income is a key indicator of profitability for investors.
- Operating profit is a crucial profitability gauge for our stakeholders.
- 償却費用の発生は、無形資産の帳簿価額に影響します。
- Amortization expense affects the book value of intangible assets.
- The amortization cost impacts the intangible asset’s book value.
- 投資の売却から利益を認識しました。
- We recognized a gain on the sale of investments.
- We earned a profit from investment sales.
- 現金預金の残高は会社の流動性を反映しています。
- The cash account reflects the company’s liquidity.
- The cash account mirrors the company’s liquidity.
- 財務諸表は、一般に公正妥当と認められた会計原則(GAAP)に従って作成されています。
- The financial statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP.
- Financial statements are formulated in compliance with GAAP.
- 当社の財務パフォーマンスは毎年安定しています。
- Our financial performance has been consistent year after year.
- Our financial performance has remained steady year after year.
- 貸借対照表は、資産イコール負債プラス自己資本であることを示しています。
- The balance sheet equation is assets equal liabilities plus equity.
- The balance sheet shows that assets are funded by external liabilities and shareholders’ equity.
- 銀行の取引明細を当社の記録と調整する必要があります。
- We need to reconcile the bank statement with our records.
- We should perform the bank account reconciliation.
- 来年の財務見通しは有望に見えます。
- The financial outlook for next year appears favorable.
- The financial outlook for next year looks positive.
- 私どものの収益認識基準は、会計基準に準拠しています。
- Our revenue recognition policies comply with accounting standards.
- Our revenue recognition policies adhere to GAAP.
- キャッシュフロー計算書は、現金の流入と流出の詳細を示しています。
- The cash flow statement details cash inflows and outflows.
- The cash flow statement provides specifics on cash inflow and outflow.
- 為替レートの変動の影響を評価する必要があります。
- We need to assess the impact of exchange rate fluctuations.
- We must evaluate the influence of exchange rate fluctuations.
- 財務コントローラーは会計プロセスを監督しています。
- The financial controller oversees accounting processes.
- The financial controller supervises accounting function.
- 在庫評価には、先入れ先出し法を使用しています。
- We use the FIFO method to value our inventory.
- We employ the FIFO method to evaluate inventory.
- 資金計画は短期流動性の管理に役立ちます。
- The cash planning helps manage short-term liquidity.
- The funding plan aids in short-term liquidity management.
- 監査人の報告は独立した意見を提供します。
- The auditor’s report provides an independent opinion.
- The auditor’s report furnishes an impartial judgment.
- 減価償却は非現金費用です。
- Depreciation is a non-cash cost
- Depreciation is an expense not requiring cash payout.
- 未払法人税は年次で計算されます。
- The income tax provision is calculated annually.
- We compute the income tax provision on an annual basis.
- 当社はすべての税法規制を順守しています。
- We are in compliance with all tax regulations.
- We conform to all tax all tax laws and rules.
- 財務諸表の注記は、追加の詳細情報を提供します。
- The financial statement footnotes provide additional details.
- The footnotes in the financial statements offer supplementary information.
- 現金等価物は、非常に流動性の高い短期投資です。
- Cash equivalents are highly liquid short-term investments.
- Cash equivalents refer to highly liquid assets that are easily and quickly convertible into cash.
- 無形資産はそれが使用される年数にわたって償却すべきです。
- We need to amortize the intangible asset over its useful life.
- We should amortize the intangible asset throughout its useful life.
- 監査人は私たちの財務管理状況を審査します。
- The auditors will review our financial controls.
- The auditors will assess our financial controls.
- 損益計算書は財務パフォーマンスを要約しています。
- The profit and loss statement summarizes financial performance.
- The income statement provides a summary of financial results.
- 営業キャッシュフローは会社の基本的な財務健全性を示します。
- Operating cash flow indicates the company’s core financial health.
- Operating cash flow signals the company’s fundamental financial health.
- 間接費用を特定のプロジェクトに配分する必要があります。
- We need to allocate overhead costs to specific projects.
- We must assign overhead costs to particular projects.
- それらの財務指標は、当社の財務の強みを示しています。
- The financial ratios highlight our financial strengths.
- The financial metrics emphasize the financial advantages of our company.
- 売上を仕訳に記録しました。
- We recorded the sales in the journal.
- The sales have been documented in the journal.
- 仕入れの仕訳を修正する必要があります。
- We need to correct the journal entry for the purchases.
- It’s necessary to make adjustments to the journal entry for the purchases.
- 資本支出の計画 (Capital Expenditure Planning):
当社は新しい製造設備の導入を検討しています。このプロジェクトは将来の収益に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。財務部は資本支出計画を詳細に検討し、予算を確保しました。- We are considering the implementation of new manufacturing equipment that could have a significant impact on future revenues. The finance department has thoroughly reviewed the capital expenditure plan and secured the budget.
- We’re exploring the introduction of new manufacturing facilities, which may have a substantial effect on our future earnings. The finance department has conducted a comprehensive examination of the capital expenditure plan and secured the necessary budget.
- 予算計画 (Budget Review):
予算計画の過程で、各部門のマネージャーは来年度の財政目標と計画について議論しました。審査後、新しい予算が承認され、実行に移されました。- During the budget review process, managers from each department discussed the financial goals and plans for the upcoming fiscal year. After the review, the new budget was approved and put into action.
- In the budget review process, managers from every department deliberated on the financial objectives and strategies for the next fiscal year. Following the review, the new budget received approval and was implemented.
- 株主への中間配当の決定 (Declaration of Interim Shareholder Dividends):
弊社の経営陣は、昨日の取締役会で株主への中間配当を決定しました。これにより、株主に対する配当が発表され、支払われることになります。- Our management team approved the declaration of interim shareholder dividends during yesterday’s board of directors meeting. This entails the announcement and distribution of dividends to our shareholders.
- The company’s leadership endorsed the declaration of interim shareholder dividends in yesterday’s board meeting. Consequently, dividends for shareholders have been announced and are scheduled for distribution.
