IFRS 15(収益認識基準)について英語で話せるようになるための例文まとめ

2.例文・フレーズ まとめ




  1. The core principle of IFRS 15 is to recognize revenue when the control of goods or services is transferred to the customer.
    IFRS 15の核心となる原則は、商品またはサービスの支配が顧客に移転されたときに収益を認識することです。
  2. The five-step model in IFRS 15 helps entities determine when and how much revenue to recognize.
    IFRS 15の5ステップモデルは、収益をいつ、いくら認識するかを企業が決定するのに役立ちます。
  3. Step one involves identifying the contract with a customer.
  4. In step two, performance obligations within the contract are identified.
  5. Step three requires determining the transaction price.
  6. Step four allocates the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract.
  7. Finally, in step five, revenue is recognized when a performance obligation is satisfied.
  8. A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that creates enforceable rights and obligations.
  9. Performance obligations are promises in a contract to transfer goods or services to a customer.
  10. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services.
  11. Variable consideration should be estimated and included in the transaction price if it is probable that a significant reversal will not occur.
  12. Entities must consider any constraints on variable consideration.
  13. The transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on the relative standalone selling prices.
  14. Revenue is recognized when control of the goods or services is transferred to the customer.
  15. Control of an asset refers to the ability to direct the use of and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from the asset.
  16. A performance obligation is satisfied over time if one of the criteria in IFRS 15 is met.
    IFRS 15における一定の基準を満たす場合、履行義務は時間の経過とともに満たされます。
  17. Entities must recognize revenue over time by measuring the progress toward complete satisfaction of the performance obligation.
  18. Output methods and input methods can be used to measure progress toward satisfaction of a performance obligation.
  19. An entity recognizes revenue at a point in time if a performance obligation is satisfied at that point.
  20. Revenue recognition at a point in time often involves the transfer of control of goods or services to the customer.
  21. IFRS 15 requires disclosure of sufficient information to enable users of financial statements to understand the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows.
    IFRS 15は、財務諸表の利用者が収益およびキャッシュフローの性質、金額、タイミング、および不確実性を理解できるようにするための十分な情報開示を求めています。
  22. Entities must disclose the disaggregation of revenue into categories that depict how revenue is affected by economic factors.
  23. Contract assets and contract liabilities must be presented separately in the statement of financial position.
  24. Entities must disclose information about significant judgments and changes in judgments that affect the determination of the amount and timing of revenue from contracts with customers.
  25. The cost to obtain a contract should be recognized as an asset if the cost is expected to be recovered.
  26. IFRS 15 specifies that the incremental costs of obtaining a contract must be capitalized if they are expected to be recovered.
    IFRS 15は、契約を取得するための増分費用が回収されると予想される場合、それらを資産計上する必要があると規定しています。
  27. Costs to fulfill a contract should be recognized as an asset if they meet certain criteria.
  28. Entities must amortize the capitalized costs to obtain and fulfill a contract on a systematic basis.
  29. Transitioning to IFRS 15 may require significant changes to systems, processes, and controls.
    IFRS 15への移行は、システム、プロセス、および管理の大幅な変更を必要となる場合があります。
  30. Entities must consider the effects of IFRS 15 on their financial statements and disclosures.
    企業は、IFRS 15が財務諸表および開示に与える影響を考慮しなければなりません。
  31. Implementation of IFRS 15 requires coordination across various departments including finance, legal, IT, and sales.
    IFRS 15の導入にあたっては、財務、法務、IT、営業などのさまざまな部門間の調整が必要です。
  32. Entities need to update their accounting policies and procedures to comply with IFRS 15.
    企業は、IFRS 15に準拠するために会計方針と手続きを更新する必要があります。
  33. Training programs may be necessary to ensure that staff understand the requirements of IFRS 15.
    IFRS 15の要件を理解するためにスタッフのトレーニングプログラムが必要になるかもしれません。
  34. IFRS 15 emphasizes the importance of judgment in revenue recognition, especially in identifying performance obligations and determining transaction prices.
    IFRS 15は、収益認識における判断の重要性を強調しており、特に履行義務の識別や取引価格の決定において重要になります。
  35. Entities must disclose qualitative and quantitative information about their contracts with customers.
  36. One significant area of focus in IFRS 15 is the timing of revenue recognition, which may differ from the timing under previous standards.
    IFRS 15の重要な焦点の一つは収益認識のタイミングであり、これは以前の基準と異なる場合があります。
  37. Entities should document their revenue recognition policies and ensure they are consistently applied.
  38. IFRS 15 requires entities to reassess their contracts with customers regularly to ensure compliance.
    IFRS 15は、顧客との契約を定期的に再評価して、基準に準拠していることを確保するように企業に求めています。
  39. Entities may need to use estimation techniques to determine the transaction price when variable consideration is involved.
  40. Entities must provide a reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of contract assets and liabilities.
  41. The cost of fulfilling a contract includes direct labor, materials, and allocation of overhead costs.
  42. IFRS 15’s impact on financial reporting can affect an entity’s profitability ratios and key performance indicators.
    IFRS 15が財務報告に与える影響は、企業の収益性比率や主要業績指標に及びます。
  43. Entities need to ensure that their IT systems can capture and report the necessary information under IFRS 15.
    企業は、ITシステムがIFRS 15の下で必要な情報を入手し報告できるようになっていることを確保していく必要があります。
  44. Revenue recognition for long-term contracts can be particularly complex under IFRS 15.
    IFRS 15の下では、長期契約の収益認識は特に複雑になる可能性があります。
  45. The adoption of IFRS 15 may require changes to financial statement presentation and disclosures.
    IFRS 15の導入は、財務諸表の表示および開示の変更を必要とするかもしれません。
  46. Entities should assess the potential impact of IFRS 15 on their tax positions and deferred tax calculations.
    企業は、IFRS 15が税金計算および繰延税金計算に与える潜在的な影響を評価しておくべきです。



IFRS15 収益認識基準(国際財務報告基準)を英語で勉強してみる
