ニュースで学ぶ – ファッション界ではドナテラ・ヴェルサーチが28年のキャリアに幕を下ろす(2025年3月13日の米国発)

10. 英語ニュース


Donatella Versace Steps Down After 28 Years

“What’s next for the iconic Versace brand as its legendary leader steps aside?”


退任することは、step down や step aside と表現します。


On March 13, 2025, Donatella Versace, the creative force behind the globally renowned Versace fashion house, announced her decision to step down as Chief Creative Officer after an illustrious 28-year tenure. Her departure marks the end of an era for the brand, leaving the fashion world abuzz with speculation about its future direction.



Donatella Versace, who took over the reins of the brand after the tragic death of her brother Gianni Versace in 1997, has been instrumental in shaping Versace into a symbol of luxury and boldness. Under her leadership, the brand became synonymous with daring designs, vibrant colors, and a celebration of individuality.


Her decision to step down has sparked widespread discussion in the fashion industry. While the reasons for her departure remain private, insiders suggest that she plans to focus on personal projects and mentoring the next generation of designers. The announcement has also raised questions about who will succeed her and how the brand will evolve without her visionary leadership.


Fashion enthusiasts and industry experts alike are eagerly awaiting updates on the future of Versace. Will the brand maintain its signature style, or will it embark on a new creative journey under fresh leadership?



1. Renown

  • Pronunciation: /rɪˈnaʊn/
  • Type of Word: Noun
  • Japanese Translation: 名声
  • Example Sentence: She is a scientist of great renown in the field of physics.
    Japanese Translation: 彼女は物理学の分野で非常に有名な科学者です。
  • 本文では、renowned (形容詞、有名な)として使われています。

2. Tenure

  • Pronunciation: /ˈten.jʊr/
  • Type of Word: Noun
  • Japanese Translation: 在職期間、終身在職権
  • Example Sentence: During his tenure as CEO, the company achieved record profits. Japanese Translation: 彼がCEOを務めている間、会社は記録的な利益を達成しました。

3. Abuzz

  • Pronunciation: /əˈbʌz/
  • Type of Word: Adjective(形容詞)
  • Japanese Translation: 活気で満ちている
  • Example Sentence: The room was abuzz with excitement before the show began. Japanese Translation: ショーが始まる前、部屋は興奮で活気に満ちていました。

4. Rein

  • Pronunciation: /reɪn/
  • Type of Word: Noun/Verb
  • Japanese Translation: 手綱; 制御する
  • Example Sentence: She needs to rein in her spending if she wants to save money. Japanese Translation: お金を貯めたいのなら、彼女は支出を抑える必要があります。
reign (類似の紛らわしい単語なので参考として)
  • Pronunciation: /reɪn/
  • Type of Word: Noun/Verb
  • Japanese Translation: 統治; 統治する
  • Example Sentence: The king’s reign lasted over three decades.
    Japanese Translation: その王の統治は30年以上続きました。

5. Vibrant

  • Pronunciation: /ˈvaɪ.brənt/
  • Type of Word: Adjective
  • Japanese Translation: 活気にあふれた、鮮やかな
  • Example Sentence: The city is known for its vibrant arts scene.
    Japanese Translation: その都市は活気あふれる芸術文化で知られています。

6. Alike

  • Pronunciation: /əˈlaɪk/
  • Type of Word: Adjective/Adverb
  • Japanese Translation: 同様に、似ている
  • Example Sentence: The twins look alike, but they have very different personalities. Japanese Translation: 双子は似ていますが、性格はとても違います。

7. Embark

  • Pronunciation: /ɪmˈbɑːrk/
  • Type of Word: Verb
  • Japanese Translation: 乗り出す、着手する
  • Example Sentence: They embarked on a journey to explore the Amazon rainforest. Japanese Translation: 彼らはアマゾンの熱帯雨林を探検する旅に乗り出しました。
